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Vindication of the rights of woman

With strictures on political and moral subjects.
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Wollstonecraft, Mary.
Verfasserangabe: Mary Wollstonecraft.
Jahr: 2012.
Verlag: Cleveland :, Duke Classics,
Mediengruppe: e-Med Overdrive
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Mary Wollstonecraft wrote Vindication of the Rights of Woman in response to public debate and discussion about the education of women. She argues that women should be educated according to their station, and that they could be more than mere wives to their husbands and educators to their children. The text is one of the earliest works of feminist philosophy.


Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Wollstonecraft, Mary.
Jahr: 2012.
Verlag: Cleveland :, Duke Classics,
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Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis eBook
ISBN: 9781620123478
Beschreibung: 1 online resource
Schlagwörter: Electronic books., Gender Studies., Nonfiction., Politics.
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Mediengruppe: e-Med Overdrive